12 Sep “Civet di lepre all’agrodolce”

Ristorante Moreieta, Arcugnano (VI)
Ingredients (serves 8):
medium sized wild hare
half liter of extra virgin olive oil
500 grams of butter
300 grams of raisins
one onion
two garlic cloves
one lemon
Take a medium sized wild hare (best in November and December) and remove the insides and fur. Place it in an aluminum pan with boiling water, for about 40 minutes. Carefully ensure that the meat stays on the bones.
Next, place the entire hare (should be easy if the preceding was done correctly) in an aluminum pot with browned butter, oil, onion, and garlic. Add a small amount of red wine (preferably dry), then finally add the raisins, and two lemon halves. Remember to take out the lemon halves after about an hour. Cook for about three hours on low heat, stirring every five minutes.